Solutions Driven

Whitepaper: The Changing Diversity Conversation in Traditionally White, Male-Dominated Industries

In the last three months, 80% of the clients we’ve spoken to have asked for a diverse shortlist. Whether gender or ethnically diverse, it came up time and again.

Previously, if a search was proving difficult, clients would say “let’s scrap diversity – focus on the other requirements.” Now, it’s the opposite way around. The diversity conversation has definitely changed and it’s happening across the world.

So, we decided to do a deeper dive into diversity, through the eyes of our clients and the recruitment industry in general. We sat down with some HR and Talent Acquisition leaders across industries and asked what they’re doing to improve diversity and how. We’ve looked at our own industry intelligence and data on diversity, and we’ve asked questions of our own team.

Who Did we Talk to?

HR and TA leaders across the shipping, data analytics, engineering, and food production.

The TA and HR leaders we spoke to were in charge of various locations:

• The UK,
• The US
• Philippines
• Australia

• Poland
• South Africa
• South America

What did we ask them?

Each business was at a different point in their diversity journey, so the questions were tweaked between interviewees to get an in depth look at their activities.

We looked at what stage they were in achieving their diversity goals (if they had diversity goals), what actions had been taken in the past, and what was currently being done. We asked them about their sectors’ diversity and the importance of it in their business. And what they thought the short/medium future of diversity planning and initiatives were, both in their business and the wider marketplace.

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