Solutions Driven

How to Tackle The Skills Shortage in Engineering and Manufacturing

manufacturing skills

Open any newspaper in any country right now and there’s bound to be a story about skills and labour shortages. There’s shortages of high potential talent in tech, the UK is struggling for delivery drivers, and education and state and local government in the US are having difficulties.  

And across the globe, our clients are talking about engineering and manufacturing shortages, on every level. From blue collar workers in manufacturing to execs in engineering, companies just can’t get the people they need right now.

Is it the pandemic changing priorities?

Are people leaving industries altogether?

Could it be an aversion to shift work?

There’s a multitude of reasons behind the manufacturing and engineering talent shortage. A mix of all the above and much more. For many hiring managers and talent teams, that might seem quite daunting. But it also means there are a lot more ways they can approach solving this problem.

To explore the reasons behind these shortages and how to go about attracting top talent, we’ve written a guide, setting out straightforward steps your business can take.

Download the White Paper

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