Solutions Driven

Attracting Top Talent in SaaS Recruitment – How to Get Ahead of the Pack

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As SaaS recruitment gets increasingly competitive, how can you stand our from competitors and find and keep top talent?

In 2020, offices, gyms, bars, restaurants, hairdressers, and shops all shut across the world. So, we turned to technology.

We hung out on Houseparty (remember the heady days of Houseparty?), held work meetings on Zoom, chatted on Slack, and prioritised on Our entire workplaces became digital.

As the physical places we socialised and worked grew smaller, the online tech world grew.

hiring top talent
A Rollercoaster Ride

And SAAS organisations went through quite the ride.

As the world started to open up, things got even tougher. Businesses started to ramp up and they started to look for top talent. It’s well-known that people who are in roles are usually the best people, so businesses were poaching the best people from competitors. However, attracting talent to get the best candidates may also prove to be a challenge when the company they are in already has a competitive edge.

It’s All Had an Effect on SaaS Recruitment Teams 

For some SaaS businesses, recruitment is one of the last things they really think about. Yes, they want the right people in place with the proper tech skills. But with business moving fast, it’s more important to get products shipped, to market those products, to sell, and stay on top of the industry.

Even established businesses are having to make redundancies to keep their heads above water. If you’re not hiring anyone, one of the first teams to go are the ones in charge of the hiring. 

Saas Recruitment
TA Roles Are Changing

As Social Talent CEO Johnny Campbell highlighted in a recent chat, the role of Talent Acquisition professionals has changed. Rather than just focusing on acquiring talent, their time is taken up with managing internal talent, assisting HR teams, and learning and development.

Which Means a Difficult Time for Acquisition…

We recently wrote a piece on RL100’s Talent Maturity Model and how businesses get more successful as they become more mature in their talent strategy. 

Each area (process, data and tech, and people) have different levels from baseline to mature for planning, engaging, sourcing, screening, assessing, securing shortlisted candidates and onboarding.

Businesses at the base level are generally managing them at an ad hoc level, putting in processes, implementing tech, and hiring, as and when is needed. 

Because they don’t have the time to be more strategic in their recruitment and screening.

saas recruitment

That’s problematic in SaaS recruitment where roles in strategy and leadership are hugely in demand and the market is competitive.

But, in addition to the high salaries and great benefits that candidates of these calibre command, it’s also difficult getting them to move roles in the current climate.

To find and satisfy those candidates, teams need to be at the top of their game, able to use the best tech and processes to hunt them out, screening them, and ensure their company is an attractive prospect. 

When we spoke to Rory Brown, Founder and CCO of revenue analytics and forecasting platform, Kluster, he told us: “Attracting top talent has definitely become more difficult. When the market is unpredictable, people are more likely to have a mentality of ‘I’m doing well, this isn’t the time to make a calculated risk.’”

The Benefits of Maturity in SaaS Recruitment

Finding candidates in a tough market, especially when making senior appointments in tech, is increasingly hard so businesses with a strong talent strategy are ahead of their competitors.

Saas Recruitment

As job roles change continually due to market forces, technology, automation, and AI, people also can’t just be hired for their current skills – they need to be future-proof too which needs future-proof recruitment processes. 

Businesses who are mature in their talent strategy, are able to plan ahead better for these situations. They no longer need to reactively hire to achieve their business goals, and have more time to consider their options, screening the right people, and getting the processes, or technology in place.

This means, when they need to hire externally, they can plan ahead for it, use the best partners, and ensure their new employees stay long term. 

But for many businesses, reaching that mature level is difficult while so many other pressures are in place.

An External Talent Acquisition Function For Your Recruitment Strategy

What if, instead of struggling along at the talent maturity baseline, you could bring in outside help to ensure you were being proactive, rather than reactive?

Your own “external talent acquisition function” that would work with your own people to improve their internal recruitment processes and recruitment strategy, help hire the right people, and advise you on growth and quality hiring when needed. 

Saas Hiring

For many, recruitment companies are just businesses that find candidates. And that’s true of the contingent side of things. Contingent SaaS recruiters aren’t hiring for longevity, they’re picking up the low hanging fruit.

Businesses end up spending time, money, and resources continually going on interviews, screening and generally hiring and training people and regularly rebuilding efficient client relationships.

That’s something which doesn’t work when you’re hiring for senior roles and need people to become an integrated part of the organisation and drive the business forward.

Rory at Kluster echoes this point, “We were using contingent recruiters previously and getting sent a lot of people who were out of work or actively looking for work. None fit and we realised that this role was so important that we needed top talent, passive talent. We just weren’t getting that from contingent recruiters.”

It’s why Rory started working with Solutions Driven – we used a process that activated top passive talent, identified a route to market and found people who would be interested in these type of roles.

Recruiters like the ones at Solutions Driven, work at the mature end of the talent spectrum. They can help put the processes in place, backed up by data and intelligence that get the right employee fill in the open or new role, first time, allowing your own teams to work on other projects with speed and quality results.

They also have the expertise to help your business put its own SaaS recruitment processes and procedures in place so that every hire by your SaaS recruiter, at every level comes with a good degree of longevity.

At Solutions Driven, we’ve developed Hiring Enablement – a hiring strategy we’ve honed over 25 years that our team uses to hire more efficiently and effectively. Hiring Enablement equips hiring teams with the resources, tools, technology, playbooks, and insights to improve their own hiring approaches.

Hiring Enablement is a revolutionary recruitment approach that delivers 97% right first time hiring success.

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