Solutions Driven

{Bonus Podcast} How to Guarantee A Successful Embedded Partnership

embedded partnership

In this bonus episode of The Talent Intelligence podcast, we sit down with Solutions Driven CEO Gavin Speirs and Chief Growth Officer Nicki Paterson to discuss all things embedded recruitment.   On the eve of Solutions Driven launching their new offering, SD Embedded, we look at why embedded is needed in the current market and […]

The Different Recruitment Processes and When to Use Them: eBook

different recruitment processes

The Different Recruitment Processes And When to Use Them It’s been quite an unsettled period in business recently and hiring has been stop/start at best. For many companies trying to ramp things up, they’re looking at other recruitment processes to assist them. But, how do you know which option is the right one? The last […]

7 Ways To Create An Inclusive Workplace

To be the first to hear about our latest blogs, whitepaper releases, hiring enablement podcast episodes and get exclusive event invites, join our Exclusive Hiring Enablement Community. Inclusion means more than just celebrations. To be a truly inclusive workplace, your business must put it at the heart of everything you do, bake it into your […]

Why Celebrating Matters So Much

To be the first to hear about our latest blogs, whitepaper releases, hiring enablement podcast episodes and get exclusive event invites, join our Exclusive Hiring Enablement Community. The moments we choose to celebrate lets people know what matters to us. It’s why I treat my birthday like the social event of the year; because it […]

5 Practical Ways to Set up For A Successful Hiring Process

successful hiring process

To be the first to hear about our latest blogs, whitepaper releases, hiring enablement podcast episodes and get exclusive event invites, join our Exclusive Hiring Enablement Community. You know that saying “you get out what you put in”? Most times it’s used in relation to data, but it also applies to lots of other things; […]

12 Month Guarantees – In this Market??

recruitment guarantees

To be the first to hear about our latest blogs, whitepaper releases, hiring enablement podcast episodes and get exclusive event invites, join our Exclusive Hiring Enablement Community. One of the most frequent conversations we have at Solutions Driven is around our 12 month guarantee on placements – if someone leaves a role within 12 months […]

Navigating A Turbulent Recruitment Market With Embedded Recruitment

Navigating A Turbulent Recruitment Market With Embedded Recruitment To be the first to hear about our latest blogs, whitepaper releases, hiring enablement podcast episodes and get exclusive event invites, join our Exclusive Hiring Enablement Community. Working in recruitment is a lesson in how to deal with change. On a daily basis you could be sourcing […]

5 Ways Hiring Teams Can Align For a Successful Hiring Process

aligned hiring process

To be the first to hear about our latest blogs, whitepaper releases, hiring enablement podcast episodes and get exclusive event invites, join our Exclusive Hiring Enablement Community. Recently, we wrote a piece asking how important it was to have an aligned hiring team. You can read it here, but in short – it’s very important. […]

The 8th of March

To be the first to hear about our latest blogs, whitepaper releases, hiring enablement podcast episodes and get exclusive event invites, join our Exclusive Hiring Enablement Community. While the Ides of March may be something to be feared, the 8th of March, International Women’s Day, doesn’t have to be. Many organisations have seen this day […]