Solutions Driven

The Recruitment Freeze is Ending. Are You Ready?

Recruitment Freeze Ending

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We recently read a really interesting article from recruitment expert Greg Savage (really worth a follow if you’re involved in hiring in any capacity) about how the recruitment freeze is ending and bounce-back is well underway.

People have been hailing the return of recruitment for a few months but the graphs in Greg’s article proved it.

recruitment freeze
recruitment freeze

This means there are thousands (millions even) of candidates looking for roles.

While it might seem like a great opportunity to snap up top talent, the abundance of candidates and the recruitment freeze ending is actually making life difficult for businesses. It’s a *lot* of work to sift through all the applications and find the right candidates.

We’ve recently heard of thousands of people applying for entry level roles and every job ad is inundated with people looking for a job.

What Talent Acquisition Manager has time for that?

recruitment freeze ending

So, with the recruiting freeze ending, what can you do to streamline your recruitment and ensure you get the perfect people for your positions?

Even though there’s plenty of great people on the hunt for jobs, do you really need to look outside your company? With recruitment freezes taking place throughout the last few months, internal mobility has become a hot topic. 

And as employees become more passive, and nervous about moving jobs during economic uncertainty, now’s a great time to look at improving attrition and promoting (qualified) employees.

So, why not make a map of your internal talent, set the positions you need to hire for, and take a look at your internal team? If you find it difficult to map your own talent, a good recruitment partner will be able to help you.

Talent Mapping Intelligence

ROI is vital and you want to get the best hires you can that will help your business achieve its goals. And hiring someone who doesn’t work, or isn’t the right fit can cost your company a lot of money and wasted time – not something you want to be throwing around.

That’s Where a Recruitment Partner is Useful

Recruiters spend every day analysing candidates, and they’re the experts at finding the top talent for your industry.

It’s easy to balk at the cost of a recruitment partner but if you work with the right business, their prices will be transparent.

Also, they’ll guarantee not only filling your position, but ensuring they get someone who stays with you long term.

With the right process in place, it’s unlikely you’ll ever end up with an employee who doesn’t have the right skills, qualities, or who won’t “fit” with your company’s values or culture.

hiring growing

After all, Glassdoor says the average cost of hiring an employee is £3,000. For more important roles, that will be higher and doing it multiple times just isn’t an option in the current climate.

Working with a recruitment partner who can guarantee longevity of employee is the best way to guarantee the right hire, first time every time.

Get Obsessed with Data

It’s why you, and any recruitment company you work with, needs to be obsessed with data and measurables.

An introductory scoping call at the beginning of your relationship is vital, setting out exactly what your desired outcome is, giving your partner all the information they require, and laying down timescales of deliverables.

This level of scrutiny needs to continue throughout the process.

There’s no point in starting well for things to go off-track. Ensure everything is progressing as it should be, and at the end, look back at how things played out. A great recruitment partner should be able to give you data and figures on your search so you can benchmark how things have gone.

Despite the positive movements that Greg’s blog shows, we’re not out of the woods yet.

With the possibility (and reality) of second lockdowns, hiring has plateaued in many countries – still under pre-covid levels. 

If your company is still in a recruitment freeze or it’s looking like one might begin, use this time to put a plan in place.

Look at your internal mobility, plan what you’ll need to hire for in future, and research recruitment companies that will help you achieve your goals. That way, when hiring does open back up, you’ll be ready to go straight away.

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